The Great White Stay--Le Grand Sejour Blanc
So some of us drove and some of us flew
Some we did know--we'll know all when we're through.
Exposure the first? A room full of stuff
'Twas boots, coats, and hats to warm us enough
And thousands of geese who gave up their all
To keep up us quite warm so we'll have a ball!
The group quite diverse but not so with name.
There's Bill, Bill, and Bill and none quite the same.
The Y chromosomes, replete with three more
And two start with T--Trent--Tad names they wore.
That leaves us one man whose name is unique
'Tis Jeffrey our friend, and fun he does seek!
The ladies? Quite differ in manner and name
There's Barbara, Denise, in no way the same.
We've Jackie and Peggy, Patricia, Miss Vaugn,
Nancy and Sarah and Cathy along.
And this was the group Samantha did meet
Her job? To inspire and make trip so sweet.
We start out with food, a supper surprise...
The weather determined a railroad demise
A plot shift indeed but options we talk--
Then back to our rooms...I waddle...some walk.
The bed it does call...adventure awaits
I bid you good night...we're friends now...we're mates!
Day two--jour deals
A breakfast that's hot, then on to the bus
Morning museum with nary a fuss
The planets glide by, the sparklers appear
Two bears--two dogs in the sky--not to fear.
Then hist'ry of province and ship named Nunsuch
Displaying it's bosoms on stern oh so much!
A taste of the French is our stop for lunch
Receiving high praise from our motley bunch
Then ' other museum, high tech--bits and bytes
Remind us of tenets--of wrongs and our rights.
'Twas supper came next, then hotel did call
The morning comes early--good night one and all!
Day 3--Jour trois
We're working real hard to stifle a yawn
For leaving was at the butt crack of dawn,
To airport we head, board plane that will go
To Churchill, our goal, and wait for the show.
The morning? Explore! Then what do we do?
Why eat...need you ask...let's try something new.
There's ops for photos and Myrtle, a hoot
Be strong and be brave, but your own horn don't toot!
Comestibles done we gear up and go
The breath we do hold while waiting for show
Aurora provides--Amazing, Devine
A long day is done, it's time to unwind!
Day Four--Jour Quatre
Good breakfast is done, we pull up a spot
Samantha informs of things we know not!
But thankful are we that she knows a bunch
Two trivia champs when we go eat lunch!
A tour through a part of Center quite large
A bear's mouth a slide? It gives us a charge.
Itsanitaq lore--aboriginal things
Like carving, and stories, the history brings.
A stop at Parks Can., then home for a rest
Before we eat more, it's what we do best!
And following supper, a film and a drink
One made us sleepy, one made us think
But now is the time for eyelids to close
To rest for what comes--tomorrow--who knows!
Day five--Jour cinq
Appropriately named--a church on a hill
A hist'ry lesson with our host named Bill
The stained glass window that if it could talk
Would tell us a story our minds it might shock.
Of course there was lunch--we shall not abstain
The thought of a diet goes right down the drain
Then curling begins, the stones we do throw
We choose up our sides--we won don't you know!
And special this day, not just cause it's cold
We celebrate god she's how old?
The birthday dessert gives just the right touch
To send us to dome--to see lights and such.
And two stay out late--for them light teasers
The rest head to bed...I guess we be geezers!
Day 6--Jour six (pronounced sis)
No way that this day could start any better
The toast it was great the coffee seemed wetter
And what was the cause? Of course you must know
Potatoes for breakfast! We're ready to go.
On bus we do gather to head to our spot
Researching up north--some learnin' we got
And snow cut with saws and piled up just so
The igloo was built while the wind it did blow!
Then Gypsies for lunch, desserts were our start
From Fred and mom Helen, we sadly depart!

It's back on the bus, to mushers we go
The very best way to get through the snow!
One final attempt to capture the lights
Alas sweet Aurora she gave us no brights.
So home for one more--one time we do sleep
We're needing our rest for schedule to keep
We start with plot twist, we end the same way
The last day has changed--we learned it today.
The shoes for the snow we give up quite hard
But early we leave thanks to Mr. Blizzard.
We break our fast then we get in the van
Sweet Lawrence does drive, he's such a nice man.
We'll finish the trip--Fort Garry we'll sleep
And say our goodbyes, but mem'ries we'll keep.
Life's not defined by the places you end
It's simply about the joy of a friend.
And that's what we are and because this is true
It's safe to say thanks...we truly love you!