Tuesday, June 16, 2015


I have discovered as one nears closure of an established goal, a geometric decrease in patience occurs.  Take for example, a trip home from a fantastic vacation.  Yesterday, with the specter of an 11 hour flight to whisk us back to the U S of A, I was resolute.  It had to be done.  After all, I had no desire to spend my life in Argentina (although I am convinced we saw the Castle Rosado on our trip from the national to international airport in Buenos Aires and was impressed!). Landing in Dallas, I knew we had a 5  hour lay-over, awaiting our trip to Sioux Falls.  It had to be done, and our gate was directly across from Duncan Donuts (by 9:30, the clerk could call me by name!) and down the pike from Chili's, where we had lunch (at 9:45!).  Due to another flight, we were required to change gates three times.  It had to be done.  Then, it was time to board the plane.  With happy heart and heavy eyelids, I psyched myself into a state of calm.  Then the announcement.  We would not be boarding because a flight attendant had not arrived.  Really?  Really!  And yet, even though the nerves were frayed and the psyche on edge, I retained my composure.  She came.  We boarded.  We are 45th in line for tale-off (just a slight exaggeration).  If this plane isn't air-born in 10 minutes...I will wait!  But oh my goodness, not patiently! 
And we're off!  Next goal?  Drive home.  Can you say speed limit 80?!  If patience is a virtue, and lack thereof the opposite, today I probably need to heed the advice of my students the year I retired...move south so I can get used to heat before my demise!
Know you are loved!

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