Saturday, January 4, 2014

Let me take you back

to a time when the thermometer wasn't below the 0 mark, when the breeze wasn't clocked at my chronological age, and when weeding seemed so much better than shoveling!  I have always found a serenity in flowers that soothes my soul.  Perhaps it is the brilliant contrast in color.  Perhaps it is the unusual juxtaposition between flower and background.  Perhaps it is the fact that my joints actually work when it's flower time!  Whatever it is, they are what I miss most today, the warmest day forecast in the next three.  And the feels like temperature rests at oh crap!  So here's the deal.  Concentrate on the pictures at the left.
Got it?  Good.  Now imagine if you will, a bright, sunlit day.  Nary a distinguishing feature (cloud) in the sky.  A perfect temperature (according to my espoused, that would be when you don't notice it!).  And just inside your field of vision, the flowers.  The beautiful thing about flowers is, they were gorgeous, and they will be gorgeous again!  Rest comfortably in the coziest of places you can find, enjoy this bouquet, and know you are loved!

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