Wednesday, February 26, 2014

In the strangest places...

We're in the Mucky Duck, enjoying a grouper sandwich, when I survey our surroundings.  If one is eating in an establishment called the Mucky Duck, one is well advised to do this very thing.  There are all sorts of exhortations and suggestions as to how one should live his/her life.  Over the emergency exit door is a sign that says "keep calm and carry on!"  Appropriate.  But it was while we were leaving that I noticed the above plaque.  I was so taken with it that I didn't even take the time to crop the picture.  Perhaps it goes to the point that of all the signs, this one to me was the most important.  I've heard it said that people are about as happy as they choose to be!  I buy this.  I do wonder then why some choose to be see only the burden, the seemly side of life?  I chose my career.  It made me happy.  I chose my life partner.  She makes me happy.  I chose to visit Florida in the middle of this amazingly brisk winter.  It makes me ecstatic!  I've said it before.  When it hits the fan, it's not evenly divided!  When I get more than my share, I choose to use it as fertilizer and hopefully grow from the experience.  So it has been written (at least on the door of a pub on Sanibel island), so it must be done!  By the way I choose to share this with you, and hopefully it makes you happy!  Know you are loved!

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