Monday, February 3, 2014

Preparation H

Community U. is, in my estimation, an amazing offering to all of us in the community.  Diversity reigns supreme in the offerings, and the expected commitment from the students is limited to one night.  What a great way to get a little knowledge, have time with friends, and challenge the instructors to find a way to teach a subject in one offering!  Cath and I are two of those instructors.  Tomorrow night, I will be teaching a class entitled No Need to Knead.  Yup.  Bread.  A week from tomorrow night, the two of us will be offering a class in beginning pinochle!  How's that for diversity?  It's been a while since we have been in the classroom.  I had forgotten how much of any class relies on preparation!  Tonight is dedicated to getting different stages of bread ready to show.  ALL night.  Each of the two breads has three different stages to go through, and it will only be fair for the students to see each stage!  That makes timing integral, and since one of the breads is a 16-18 hour investment in time (about 10 minutes of actual work!), planning does take the upper hand!  We'll see if we can pull it off!  Hopefully, these students will find the preparation Helpful, Handy, and end up Happy!  If not, it could be a royal pain in the...well, that would be a different Preparation H!  Know you are loved!

1 comment:

  1. I will have to check out the offerings for this session. Thanks for stepping up and sharing your talents, both of you. Hugs back at 'ya!
