Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Blessed be the pie that binds

So, in the quest for that PERFECT low carb pizza alternative, we have discovered the tastiest taste fooler to date.  The only thing is, it has just a touch of cheese in it, and if you have a similar digestive system to mine, cheese does not incite peristalsis.  Following the consumption of this meal, you may have to call Mayflower to instigate movement, but it is a tasty treat.  If you are low carbing it, give it a try.  We truly think it tastes and textures like real pizza!

7 cups mozzarella cheese
7 eggs
1 tsp. oregano
1 tsp. basil

Combine all ingredients and press into a lipped cookie sheet.  Bake for 15 minutes at 450 degrees.  Remove and cover with toppings.  We used a Chef Boyardee pizza sauce, fresh mushrooms, and pepperoni.  Since we bought the bag of shredded mozzarella that had 8 cups in it, I sprinkled the remaining cup over the top.  Bake for another 10 minutes.  Allow to cool slightly and enjoy.  And know that you are loved!

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