Tuesday, December 31, 2013


I think Tevya would agree.  Our New Year's Eve is the quintessential definition of a tradition.  When we were first married, we would spend NYE in the pursuit of the elusive "tooter"!  We would libate, play games, and blow on our party favors as the new year entered.  Unfortunately, the couple with whom we would do this moved away, opening up a slot for a new tradition. Enter our good friends, Doug and Judy, who shall remain nameless.  We have the discussion every year, and every year, we agree we can't truly remember...how long we have ushered in a new year together.  It starts today at lunch.  Then the games begin...literally.  The closet is cleared and the couch is filled with board games, cards...anything that allows us to test our skills.  Sometimes we play partners.  Sometimes it's "me against the world", but at all times, it's fun!  We will play all afternoon, break for supper, and then back to the table for the ushering in portion of the evening.  In years gone by, it would be 5 am on the first of the year before we would quit.  As we have packed on the years, it gets a little earlier every year.  But it is what it is...a tradition that stands the test of time!  May you find good friends, good food, good times, and goodness in your 2014 approach to life and even though the year is new, the feeling is eternal...you are loved!

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