Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Life reimagined

The end of the year.  A day of eating and playing and friends.  A day to look back and look forward.  Looking back, I play the "what if" game.  What if I had never walked into the wrong room and discovered debate?  What if I had never listened to Miss Loosewheel and not taken the ed block just in case?  What if I hadn't been fired from my first job?  What if I hadn't been unlucky in love...the first time? What if I hadn't developed the amazing friendships I have?  And god forbid, what if I hadn't been lucky in love the second time?  Can't imagine.  Looking forward, I play the "can't wait" game.  Can't wait to see what comes next.  Can't wait to enjoy the time with friends.  Can't wait to see new places and experience new things.  Can't wait for my coffee this will quit playing games and simply say...I can't imagine a better life!  Happy New Year...with all my love!

1 comment:

  1. I also like the "Can't Wait" game as we begin to think about what we might do in all the things we didn't get to do in the last half of 2014! ha ha ha.
