Friday, August 2, 2013


The man--Americanized citizen noted for work in electronics.
The noun--a unit of measurement named for the man.
The car--holy crap!!!!  Thanks to our gracious host, I had the opportunity to test drive one of these vehicles.  Understand three things.  The first car we drove cost 3.2 times the price of the last home we bought!  And that is not an exaggeration!  It was nice, but I don't think our furniture would fit with the decor!  That would not indicate a failing on the part of the automobile!  Perspective check--I could not have purchased it with the full pre-tax salary I earned my last two years of teaching!
Second--this vehicle could go from 0-60 in less than five seconds.  We experienced this power on an on-ramp to the freeway.  See point on "crap" above!  That kind of power has a way to frighten me considering my prowess behind the wheel, not to mention my lack of peripheral vision.  I owe some poor creature a change of underwear!
Third--I can now cross "drive a car I would never be able to afford" off my bucket list.  It was an experience of a lifetime.  Friends are like that!  They do things for you to make your life complete!  In my estimation, that makes them worth much more than the price of any car!  So thanks to them...for they and you are loved!

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