Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Something stinks

And I mean that in a good way.  As I was contemplating today's topic, I happened to catch the scent of freshly ground coffee.  Ever prepared, I had just set the timer for tomorrow's morning ritual, and the aroma of the coffee grounds was especially intoxicating.  It started me thinking.  What sensual scents worked the most on me?  We've established one.  Then there's the smell of our slow-roast beef roast in the crock pot.  Four hours in, and I'm drooling.  Of course, that drool must last the remaining three hours, but by the time the lid is popped, I'm ready to taste!  Turkey baking.  Oh, my god (and in fairness, I must tell you that I had typed OMG but I so detest all those cutesie abbreviations I had to go back and change it!)!  I actually think it may smell better than it tastes.  Apple pie.  Chocolate chip cookies.  Almost any pie crust.  Even though I just finished supper, my taste buds become excited by the mere memory of these titillating emissions.  But none--not one--can top the ultimate odor--that which gets every enzyme in my digestive system excited--that which promises the most reward--that with which everyone I've ever met can identify.  The smell of fresh bread--just about to come from the oven--and the absolute anticipation it breeds. 
And there you have it--a dissertation on the good stinks in life.  What are yours?  Regardless of what trips your trigger, know you are loved!


  1. It is popcorn for me. I can be so full, not the least bit hungry, but walk into a movie theater and smell the popping corn...I am hooked.

  2. It is popcorn for me. I can be so full, not the least bit hungry, but walk into a movie theater and smell the popping corn...I am hooked.
