Saturday, July 5, 2014

Appropriate blog title

It was one of those wonderful, gee, we're retired and can do whatever was want, kind of days.  Trip to farmers' market.  Found great beets and kale.  Mi esposa says, "should we check out the farmer's market in Brookings?"  "Sure!", so we hop into the pick up and head south.  Ran into a long time friend who does family organic things so we got to catch up with her.  Met another good friend there and went out for lunch.  Tasty food and better company.  Headed home, stopped at Menards for vermin food (philosophy...if you feed the gosh darn rabbits, maybe they won't think your garden plants look like a Caesar salad!), stopped at Hy-vee for four cases of marshmallow cream (only the essentials) and have alit on North Broadway.  I know, I know.  Tough duty, but someone has to do it!  But it does verify the ezbzontheroad moniker!  May you be as lucky as we, and know how much you are loved!

1 comment:

  1. Truly enjoy days and road trips like the one you described. One itty bitty goal leads to an entire day of unplanned adventure. Life is good.
