Thursday, December 18, 2014

The annual Christmas letter!

'Tis the week before Christmas
And not from this house
A Christmas card sent yet
My gosh, he's a louse!

The stockings are hung 
in the kitchen this year
To find them?  Much harder
The coal I do fear.

The year?  Like so many
Was filled with great things
From Florida warm
and Black Hills, joy did ring!

The cards at the table
Ran hot and ran cold
For us, bridge is tempting
It never grows old.

We're older and wiser
Some aches and some pains
But willing to try things
Consider the gains.

But one thing is stable
On that we do bank
The friends who support us
To you we do thank

And know in this season
of trees like above
We send you good greetings
We send you our love!

Happy Holidays to all, and to all a good ... year!
Cyberly yours,
bz and cz